Tigermedia - 2022 Yom HaShoah Commemoration: Preservation of Holocaust Memory Today

2022 Yom HaShoah Commemoration: Preservation of Holocaust Memory Today

Date: April 28th, 2022
Duration: 1h:5m:7s

Join us for a discussion about how institutions and scholars are finding new ways to preserve and document Holocaust memory. The event includes a screening of the documentary film, "Preserving the Holocaust" (3Generations), which follows a group of young Polish conservators who are preserving artifacts from the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination and concentration camp. Afterwards, Jane Wells, the film’s director, speaks with Hannah Wilson, PhD candidate at the Department of History, Nottingham Trent University, about how artifacts unearthed at the Sobibor extermination ?camp convey both history and memory.

This event is underwritten by the Yehoshua and Edna Aizenberg Holocaust Memorial Fund and organized by the Harriet & Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center (KHC) at Queensborough Community College. It is co-sponsored by the Holocaust, Genocide and Interfaith Education Center at Manhattan College; the Ray Wolpow Institute at Western Washington University; and the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. For more information about the KHC, please visit visit https://khc.qcc.cuny.edu?

Website: https://khc.qcc.cuny.edu/