Tigermedia - Introduction to 1960s America: Workshop I with Prof. Hank Williams

Introduction to 1960s America: Workshop I with Prof. Hank Williams

Date: September 14th, 2023
Duration: 42m:0s

Workshop on 1960s America I: Introducing the Welcome Read texts with Prof. Hank Williams (Lehman College) and producer of “Suga’ in My Bowl” Jazz radio show, WBAI

Faculty and students enrolled in the English Department's Welcome Read program will be introduced to the context for the chosen texts by Prof. Hank Williams of Lehman College. Students will receive free copies of either MARCH: BOOK THREE or Nathan McClain's poetry book, PREVIOUSLY OWNED.

This event is funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and co-sponsored by the QCC Male Resource Center.