Tigermedia - 2011 Commencement Ceremony (Entire Event)

2011 Commencement Ceremony (Entire Event)

Date: June 3rd, 2011
Duration: 1h:52m:57s

Nearly 2,000 graduates who range in age from 19 to 85 and speak nearly 60 different languages gathered under a magnificent white tent in June 2011 on the Queensborough Community College track to celebrate their academic achievements, ability to overcome obstacles-and most of all-their plans to pursue a future filled with hope and promise.

Dr. Diane B. Call, Interim President of Queensborough Community College addressed a sea of beaming graduates remarking on their "strength of intellect, remarkable accomplishments, as well as enthusiasm and determination to succeed which has helped to make Queensborough a truly exceptional educational institution."

Website: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/commencement/