Tigermedia - Graphic Depictions of Genocide: Art Spiegelman, Joe Sacco and J.P. Stassen Take on Auschwitz, Bosnia and Rwanda

Graphic Depictions of Genocide: Art Spiegelman, Joe Sacco and J.P. Stassen Take on Auschwitz, Bosnia and Rwanda

Date: September 23rd, 2014
Duration: 1h:1m:49s

On Tuesday, September 23rd, from 10am to 12pm in the KHRCA classroom, the 2014-2015 NEH Challenge Grant, “Testimony across the Disciplines: Cultural and Artistic Responses to Genocide,” will host the first of four writing workshops. Dr. Susan Jacobowitz will lead the event, entitled, “Graphic Depictions of Genocide: Art Spiegelman, Joe Sacco and J.P. Stassen Take on Auschwitz, Bosnia and Rwanda,” which will provide an overview of how different writers and artists have responded to the challenge of depicting war and genocide. As part of the workshop, students will begin work on their own graphic pieces exploring related themes, some of which will be featured in the capstone exhibit at the KHRCA in the spring.

Website: https://khc.qcc.cuny.edu/