Tigermedia - Holocaust Survivor Student Internship Ceremony: Jane Keibel, survivor and Midge Malivert, student intern

Holocaust Survivor Student Internship Ceremony: Jane Keibel, survivor and Midge Malivert, student intern

Date: June 5th, 2015
Duration: 9m:5s

Midge Malivert
Survivor: Jane Keibel
Jane Keibel was born in Germany. She and her family escaped on the S.S. St. Louis, a ship headed to Cuba. The ship was denied entrance to Cuba, the US, and ultimately was forced to return to Nazi Germany.

Students selected to participate in this internship will meet weekly for one hour at the Holocaust Center to examine the impact World War II had on residents living in Europe’s Jewish communities. Through readings, videos, group discussions, and presentations by local residents who lived in Europe at that time, students will gain a strong understanding of the Holocaust. Student interns will be trained to use this knowledge to conduct an intensive interview of local survivors and present his/her story to the other interns as well as members of the QCC community. There is a stipend of $360 for successfully completing this project.

Internship Coordinator
Marisa L. Berman, Assistant Director

Additional Speakers:
Dr. Dan Leshem, KHRCA Director
Assemblymember Ed Braunstein
Assemblymember David Weprin

Website: https://khc.qcc.cuny.edu/