Tigermedia - 2018 Kristallnacht Commemoration

2018 Kristallnacht Commemoration

Date: November 11th, 2018
Duration: 1h:48m:27s

Join the KHC as we remember the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the violent anti-Jewish pogram that took place over 48 hours beginning on November 9th, 1938. Kristallnacht, “Crystal Night,” or sometimes, “Night of Broken Glass” was a turning point in the history of the Holocaust. Survivor Hanne Liebmann will share her memories of that dreadful day, leading up to her deportation to France – explored in great detail in the KHC’s current exhibition, Conspiracy of Goodness. Following will be a keynote presentation by the 2017-2018 KHC/NEH Scholar-in-Residence, Dr. Azadah Aalai. Dr. Aalai, reflects on her research on bystander behavior as it relates to the theme of complicity and collaboration during the Holocaust. Using a social psychological approach, Dr. Aalai identifies the factors that impacted whether bystanders made efforts to offer aid or rescue to their fellow neighbors versus enabling Nazi genocidal policies by complicity or active collaboration. Her research included exploring holocaust education and measuring the impact the theme had on students who were exposed to the colloquium series over the course of the academic year.

Part of the Drs. Bebe and Owen Bernstein Lecture Series.

Website: https://khc.qcc.cuny.edu/