
Denise Villarta "Project"Photo used with permission


On a monthly basis, a Composition Committee meeting will be called, always on Wednesdays during club hours (look for an email with dates near the beginning of the semester). In these meetings, we discuss all things composition: responding to and evaluating student writing, teaching students to read like writers, avoiding plagiarism, etc. All fulltime faculty are automatically members of the Composition Committee and, hence, expected to attend these meetings. However, part-time faculty are welcome and encouraged to attend also.


The English department used to subscribe to the following academic journals:


Back issues of these are on top of the filing cabinets next to the copiers. Feel free to borrow them; just please bring them back when you're finished. Digital copies of articles from more recent issues are available through JSTOR on the college library's database. (for all of the above except TETYC, which is available through Academic OneFile (Gale)).


Please check out the English department's archive where you will find many of your colleagues 'assignments. In addition, please visit the department's Composition Committee website. This is a closed site, so you must be invited to participate (and all participants are encouraged to respond to posts and make their own posts, linking to articles and videos having to do with First-Year Writing (FYW). Please send an email to John Talbird (, the director of FYW.


If you have a question and don't want to wait to speak to one of the directors, please feel free to speak to someone in your cubicle or someone you meet in the hallway --we are a personable and collegial group!